Sunday, August 16, 2009

House of Pies

Sorry guys- Ryan and I have been falling behind on our posts! I don't really have much to say about the House of Pies- the food is just the normal stuff like Denny's-sandwiches, breakfast, what have you. I don't come here to eat that kind of food. I come for the cheesecake! I am not one for pies- If I do order them, I normally just eat all the crust and leave the rest of it on the plate. I do enjoy the cheesecakes from The Cheesecake Factory but if I ever crave turtle or strawberry cheesecake (at any given hour!) House of pies is it. I've been going there since high school. Huge piece for under $4!

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  1. you forgot to mention that I use to always buy their strawberry cheesecake for our family's thanksgiving


  2. I don't remember you doing it for Thanksgiving- I do remember you doing it for our birthdays. That's how I first got introduced to their strawberry cheesecakes. You brought a whole one home for someone's birthday and we ate it all!
